Fatal Accident at Kumasi-Abrepo Junction: CCTV Footage Shows Tragic Collision (Video)

On Friday, May 17, 2024, a tragic accident occurred at Kumasi-Abrepo Junction, claiming the life of a female community police officer and injuring four others, including another police officer. CCTV footage reveals a private vehicle with registration number GS 9494-21 hitting five individuals after the vehicle’s brakes reportedly failed.

The accident unfolded as two police officers were managing traffic at the busy junction due to a malfunctioning traffic light. According to eyewitnesses, the deceased officer and her colleague were diligently directing vehicles and pedestrians when the private car lost control. Witnesses described the harrowing scene where the vehicle, unable to stop, plowed into the officers and three other bystanders.

The female community police officer succumbed to her injuries on the spot. Emergency services quickly responded to the scene, providing urgent medical attention to the injured individuals. The other injured police officer and three civilians were rushed to the nearest hospital, where they are currently receiving treatment. The condition of the injured remains critical but stable.

Eyewitnesses at the scene recounted the moments leading up to the accident. “The traffic lights were not working, and the officers were doing their best to control the flow of vehicles,” one witness said. “Suddenly, the car just came speeding towards them, and there was nothing anyone could do.”

Another witness mentioned, “It was clear that the driver was trying to stop, but the brakes just wouldn’t respond. It all happened so fast.”

Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, focusing on the mechanical failure of the vehicle’s brakes. Initial assessments suggest that a brake failure might have caused the driver to lose control. The driver of the vehicle has been taken into custody for further questioning as part of the investigation.

The community has been left in shock and mourning following the tragic event. Many have gathered to pay their respects to the fallen officer and express their condolences to the families of the injured. Local leaders have called for immediate repairs to the malfunctioning traffic lights and improvements to traffic management at the busy junction to prevent future tragedies.

This devastating accident highlights the critical importance of traffic signal maintenance and vehicle safety checks. As the investigation continues, it serves as a somber reminder of the unpredictable nature of road incidents and the need for robust safety measures to protect both civilians and law enforcement officers on duty.

Source: Tie News

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